How to retain your customers.


Image source:  pixabay

Every business deserves patronage, not just one-time patronage but recurring patronage to be able to meet business goals like making a profit, raising revenues, or whatever the business owner has in mind. 

However one thing has always been peculiar in the business world and that's competition (competing for customers' attention, patronage, awareness, and recognition in the market or niche )
So, therefore businesses must keep up with the times, in this ever-changing world, as human needs and behavior are unpredictable and insatiable. If businesses want to keep making profits, Ads and promoting are not enough keeping and retaining customers is, and very essential. Do not neglect it.

In this article we will be looking at, 5 strategies with which businesses can retain their customers.

1. Build a business to customer relationships 
You see, relationship is very important as social beings we are, one of the bases of our human nature, we consciously or subconsciously connect to those emotions which we are socially inclined to when we receive them from or sense them in the actions of others towards us.

Likewise in business, creating a special bond is crucial to retain and connect with your customers or patrons, it gives room for trust, and confidence on the part of the customers. Birthday wishes, seasonal greetings ( Christmas, world day, etc.) are various ways businesses can easily create a sense of connection with their customers.

2. Keep giving value

The underlining reason people go into business is to provide a product or service which meets a need and in return they (the business ) make money.

The value of your product or service is what brought your customers, so to retain them, keep giving value, and do not compromise on your value if costs of production or services increase rather, increase the price of the product or service to meet production cost. Keep giving value, people want value.


                    3. Communication

Yeah! You read that right, communication is an effective way of building relationships and connections with our customers and clients. ( Prior to point 1 ). 

The importance of communication should not be overemphasizedized, we go to our potential clients or customer before they come to us ( through Ads, promotion, campaigns e.t.c ) so continuing effective communication is very important, and businesses that want to keep customers should also focus on this.

Using the right communication tool is essential in reaching out to clients, undoubtedly email is proven to be effective in promoting Business-too-Customer (B2C) communication as it provides effective and efficient ways to transmit information.

One of the benefits of emailing is that you can easily and quickly send files such as photos, documents e.t.c to several contacts simultaneously by attaching the file to an email. 

Owning your customer list ( email list ) is key to retaining your customers Getresponse (email marketing tool) outstanding benefit certainly will do justice to this article, its professional-looking email template enables you to write industry-standard email campaigns, bulk emailing to help you reach out to many clients, respond  to the client with their autoresponder without keeping customers waiting, survey your product/services to get customer feedback to help you make more informed decisions e.t.c 

4. Give free incentives

Sugar attracts ant as free giveaway attracts customers, offering free goodies, from free pdf, discount sales, e.t.c. Seldom do this through your email list, because it is more personalized and formal which your client will appreciate. 

5. Customers are always right 

This has never been truer as in this digital and globally competitive business atmosphere, trust me The customers are always right.

I'm not saying that a customer should walk into your business premises to give you a knock on your head and scream "I'm always right " 
What I'm saying is that listening to your customer's/clients' complaints about your services or product shouldn't deter you but be a stepping stone to leverage on…

It opens you to realizing loopholes and shortcomings in your services or business which you should improve on, and also serve as a source for a survey to help you make amendments and serve them better.

Neglecting your customer's complaints is risky as you would lose them to competitors who care to listen.
So to retain your customers LISTEN TO THEM. 


Businesses are always competing for that same customer or patronage you are interested in, so to retain your patrons build that email list and engage, retain, your customers.

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